Stacked in Our Favor

Thoughts about libraries, education, children's literature, writing, art and being connected

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Last Sunday I attended a NANOWRIMO Write In. The concept of writing socially was intriguing. I am so glad I went for a number of reasons:

1. I met new people who had interesting things to say about the process.

2. New plot twists appeared unbidden as did a new character. This happened naturally without even dipping into the many and varied challenges that are available at a write in.

3. The numbers on the word count increased dramatically.

4. They gave me presents.

Take a look at these presents:

Plot ninja – for new plots and Skull and cross bones eraser – a reminder not to erase

Emergency plot elements  and Emergency new character – just open and add water

NANOWRIMO pocket guide

NANOWRIMO sticker and teabag – for relaxation and to keep me awake!

Is it worth the time to go to a write in or would it make more sense to stay home, use the travel time to write and concentrate without interruptions? I will definitely attend another write in. The inspiration and companionship is well worth the time traded.

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