Stacked in Our Favor

Thoughts about libraries, education, children's literature, writing, art and being connected

Friday, March 7, 2008

Week 9 Thing 20 - YouTube

Everybody daydreams sometimes. At least, I hope they do. I dream of joining a Book Cart Drill Team and competing at the ALA conference. It's kind of like the librarian's answer to running away and joining the circus. The Book Divas have such energy, style and presence that I find them fun to watch. It doesn't hurt that their wigs and boas match my blog. In other clips that they have posted you can see their practice sessions. You can see how hard they work. My hat is off to the Book Divas.

I noticed that you are supposed to provide a link back to YouTube when you embed a video. I'm not sure how that works so I am providing the link here:

There are so many wonderful possibilities for using YouTube for the classroom. Unrestricted use is obviously frought with difficulties, but librarian/teacher selected videos could be used for the purpose of instruction, writing prompts, inspiration, etc. I'm glad we had this excercise to complete as I learned more from the searching than I have from receiving links to random clips.

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