Stacked in Our Favor

Thoughts about libraries, education, children's literature, writing, art and being connected

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 7 - Thing 16 Wikis

It's pretty easy to imagine hundreds of uses for wikis. I can imagine being involved with wikis as 1. the person who assigns them for student editing 2. a tool for librarians in a district to work on district policies, documents, planning, etc. 3. tools for teachers to work in groups 4. a tool for going beyond parent communication to parent participation in the library's web presence. The provided links were thought provoking.

For some time I have wanted to start a wiki for elementary school librarians in Massachusetts to align print materials, web resources and lessons with standards. After I finish this class I am determined to start one and post it to this blog so that anyone may add to it. I think it would be profitable to all of us teaching any combination of these grades to pool our experiences in this way. I will post a link when I have it up and running.

Of the many things we have explored in this course, wikis may be one of the most useful to me. Along with determining to create one to my own specifications, I am also more aware that there may be some really good resources to search for information.

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