Stacked in Our Favor

Thoughts about libraries, education, children's literature, writing, art and being connected

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week 4 Thing 9 - Finding School Library Blogs and RSS Feeds

Exploring the many resources for this "thing" was interesting as I had never used them. In that sense it broadened my horizons. I'm glad to have a broader palette of tools to use when I need them.

The resource I found most interesting (though least helpful) was Blog Pulse. I can see why this would be useful, but I don't have any immediate need to use it.

In the end, however, I feel I will continue to add RSS feeds and find blogs in the same old way. There are enough blogs through professional organizations to which I belong that I struggle to keep up with the extracts from those. Then there are always the blogs which are listed in those blogs. I don't really feel much need to search for blogs. It's more a matter of continually weeding the list of RSS feeds to which I subscribe to make it more manageable. I don't really feel that RSS will ever make it take less time to look through my subscriptions. It's like what they say about houses - the stuff expands to fill the space. Well, my feeds will expand to fill my time. What it will do is allow me to do is to get more information for the time I invest.

Having said that, some of my favorite RSS feeds/blogs are unshelved, Chris Harris's infomancy, School Library Journal, The Hornbook Magazine blog,The Shifted Librarian, and Library Journal. I also subscribe to a number of Jane Austen feeds. These, too, I have pared down.

1 comment:

LibraryStrong said...

On your recommendation, I've added the Horn Book blog to my Google Reader. It looks interesting and manageable.