Stacked in Our Favor

Thoughts about libraries, education, children's literature, writing, art and being connected

Monday, August 10, 2009

Old Dog, New Tricks

It’s been a while since I got this fancy cell phone with all kinds of bells and whistles. It seemed great to have all these capabilities, but as it is with so much of technological life today, I didn’t use a minute portion of what I had available to me. I suspect I am not alone in under-utilizing my possibilities. It seems that before we can really master using one thing, the next thing comes along. I feel like a string of unfinished learning opportunities.

Well, this summer I decided to really become more friendly with my cell phone. Photos were the first thing. Then it was using the MP3 capabilities. I’ve been trying to get used to putting my appointments into my cell phone rather than carrying a separate calendar. Along with that is putting all those telephone numbers in there. I’ve even taken to using the note area to make my shopping list. Next on my list is recording things and downloading them to my computer.

As I use my cell phone more, I notice the interconnectedness that is developing between my cell phone and my computer. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?